It is the interest of MAURIT, s.r.o., Tajovského 225/8, Dubnica nad Váhom 018 41 to ensure web application accessibility in accordance with Act No. 95/2019 on information technology in public administration and related implementing regulations in the extent laid down in Directive (EU) 2016/2012.
This declaration relates to the accessibility of the website of the application
Compliance status
The website of this web application partly complies with Act No. 95/2019 on information technology in public administration and the related implementing regulations in the extent laid down in Directive (EU) 2016/2012 having regard for the elements of non-compliance and exceptions listed below.
Non-accessible content
The content listed below is non-accessible for the following reasons:
- 1. Non-compliance with Directive (EU) 2016/2012 on the accessibility of the websites and mobile applications of
public sector bodies:
- • Information on documents for download is provided using only graphics and CSS. [Success Criterion 1.1.1 Non-text Content]
- • An unnumbered list is not provided to users using the appropriate tags (ul/li). [Success Criterion 1.3.1 Info and Relationships]
- • A numbered list is not provided to users using the appropriate pair tags (ol/li). [Success Criterion 1.3.1 Info and Relationships]
- • The main page uses an identical title repeatedly. [Success Criterion 1.3.1 Info and Relationships]
- • In the graphical version, colour is the only visual means used to provide information about hypertext links. [Success Criterion 1.4.1 Use of Colour]
- • No mechanism is provided for bypassing content blocks (e.g. menus) that are repeated on multiple websites. [Success criterion 2.4.1 Bypass Blocks]
- • Links are not supplemented with file format information. The user is not informed that a hyperlink leads to a file in a different format (e.g. RTF, DOCX, XLS, PDF, ZIP etc.). [Success Criterion 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)]
- • Web pages contain duplicates for ID element values. [Success Criterion 4.1.1 Parsing]
- • Frames do not have defined titles (TITLE) and forms lack a LABEL element. [Success Criterion 4.1.2 Name, Role, Value]
2. Non-compliance with the Slovak legislation on standards for the accessibility of websites and mobile
- • Published documents for download do not have file size information. [Rule 7.1, Annex 1 of the Implementing Decision on Standards for Public Admin. Info. Systems]
- • Page java script used to insert emojis specifies font size in pixels. [Rule 2.2, Annex 1 of the Implementing Decision on Standards for Public Admin. Info. Systems]
- • Some CSS styles related to text entry use “px”. [Rule 2.2, Annex 1 of the Implementing Decision on Standards for Public Admin. Info. Systems]
- • The text description of a link does not specify that the link opens in a new window. [Rule 4.1, Annex 1 of the Implementing Decision on Standards for Public Admin. Info. Systems]
Preparation of this accessibility statement
This declaration was prepared on 10/12/2019.
The website’s compliance with the requirements of Act No. 95/2019 on information technology in public administration and the related implementing regulations within the scope of the conditions under Directive (EU) 2016/2012 was assessed on a self-assessment basis.
The declaration was last checked on 10/12/2019.
Feedback and contact information
If you have any problems in accessing the content or functionality of the website, or any technical questions, please contact the web administrator at . Questions concerning content can be sent to or the contacts listed on the page.
Enforcement procedure
If you receive an unsatisfactory response to your suggestions or requests sent as feedback to a public sector body under Article 7(1)(b) of the European Parliament Directive, you can have recourse to the body responsible for implementation of the Directive, which is the Deputy Prime Minister’s Office for Investments and Informatization of the Slovak Republic, for the purposes of an enforcement procedure using the e-mail address: ,